Cardiff Council Content and design system


Style guide

LinksFormatting text (using bold, italic and underlined text)Abbreviations and acronymsAlternative textBulleted listsCapital lettersDates, times, phone numbers and addressesHeadingsActive languagePunctuationSentence structure

Plain language

Plain language

Content principles

Online content principlesCreate accessible documents

Content formats

PDFs and other documentsEmbedding videos

Bulleted lists

We use bulleted lists to help make information more scannable and easier to understand.

Every bullet point should follow on from the leading sentence.

For example:

We can help you with:

  • finding support,
  • confidence building, or
  • staying safe in your home.

We start each point with a lowercase letter. We use commas after each point to help separate information, and only use a full stop on the last point of the list.

On the second to last point, we use a connective word. For example:

When applying for a permit, you will need:

  • your name,
  • proof of your address, and
  • your registration number.