Cardiff Council Content and design system


Style guide

LinksFormatting text (using bold, italic and underlined text)Abbreviations and acronymsAlternative textBulleted listsCapital lettersDates, times, phone numbers and addressesHeadingsActive languagePunctuationSentence structure

Plain language

Plain language

Content principles

Online content principlesCreate accessible documents

Content formats

PDFs and other documentsEmbedding videos


We add links to let the user move from 1 piece of information to another. They can be a valuable way to navigate content when used appropriately.

When creating content, we try to include only the important points of information that users need to know. Links can be a useful way to direct to further information and can help to create a more in-depth experience for the user.

‘Click here’ doesn’t explain where the link is taking the user. We word links so users know exactly where they will be taken before they click the link. For example:

  • You can check your collection dates.
  • Get information about services and support.
  • Find out how you can make a payment.
  • Visit the government website.

We do not put too many links in our content as this can be distracting and make content less meaningful. We only use links from trusted sources.